When you apply for your nordstrom card, after the completion of process of card you’ll receive the card via post. But for the use of that card you’ll need to go through the activation process of that card. For activation of that card you need to follow some steps.this steps are simple and easy for you to follow. Mainly there are two steps to activate your card. Below, i have mentioned those steps in detail.
As mentioned above their are two majorly followed steps to activate your nordstrom card.Those steps are activating your card by phone or activating your online. Let me explain you both the steps in detail.before explaining the steps in detail there is some basic information which you need to keep handy while activating your card.Information like your name, your account number, your date of birth, your 4 digit SSN code i.e social security number(will be there on front or back of your card), your card expiration date. – Activation of Your NORDSTROM Card by Phone :
To activate your nordstrom card via phone call on 18009641800. People holding the card of CANADA should dial 18777945304. After the connection of your call choose your significant language and answer to the information asked. This will help for the verification of your identity.once verification is completed your card will be ready for use.
Activation of Your NORDSTROM Card by Online Method :
To activate your card online go to the login page of NORDSTROM card. Login to your account (if already exist). If you don’t have an existing account create a new one and provide the basic information like your account number, date of birth, card expiration date and your digit SSN code. then click on activate your card will be activated.
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Requirement for getting NORDSTROM Card :
There are couple of conditions which should be fulfil to get your NordStrom Card. You should be eligible for these terms and conditions and then only can apply for it.
- Applicant’s age must more than 18 years.
- TD Bank USA, N.A issues all NordStrom credit cards.
- Nordstrom Card Services, Inc issues all debit cards of NordStrom.
- Activation of any new card will going to deactivate applicant’s old NordStrom Card and applicant should destroy it for safety purpose.
For clearing out any doubt regarding above you can call to – 1.800.964.1800 (general customer service issues).